More awareness about the health of our planet is necessary to preserve our future generations

World Population

Globally, right now
Growth, so far this year
Growth, so far this month
Growth, since the beginning of this week
Growth, so far today
New Population Map by Continent

We only have one home. We would do well to look after it.

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Quick Facts

In 2025

Tons of CO2 Emitted into the Atmosphere

Tons of Plastic Waste Dumped in Oceans

Tons of Fresh Water Used

Hectares of Forest Cut Down and Burned

Terajoules of Energy Used

Number of Plastic Bags Produced

Data are powerful only when they inspire action

World data update performed 8 times per day


Click on the category of your interest to get more data and numbers

CategoryIn 2025This monthThis weekToday
Air - World Average Temperature (°C)0,00353420200,00053255100,00033889610,0000484137
Ocean & Sea - Rise in the Sea Level (cm)0,1199170,0180700,0114990,001643
Fresh Water - Number of People in Need of Water4.559.000686.973437.16462.452
Forest & Desertification - Desertification (hectares)1.200.000180.822115.06816.438
Mining - Tons of Coal Mined773.000.000116.479.45274.123.28810.589.041


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CategoryIn 2025This monthThis weekToday
Energy from Renewable Sources - Terajoules of Electricity Used7.693.9201.159.358737.773105.396
Energy from Non-Renewable Sources - Oil Pumped Today (barrels)9.632.0001.451.397923.616131.945


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CategoryIn 2025This monthThis weekToday
Food & Beverage - Tons of Food Lost or Wasted130.000.00019.589.04112.465.7531.780.822
Clothing & Other Products - Tons of Cotton Produced2.660.000,00400.821,92255.068,4936.438,36
Plastic & Aluminum Cans - Tons of Plastic Waste Dumped in Oceans1.270.000191.370121.78117.397
Energy Consumption - Terajoules of Electricity Used7.693.9201.159.358737.773105.396

Toxic Exposure

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CategoryIn 2025This monthThis weekToday
Use of Chemicals - Tons of Pesticide Used412.230,0062.116,8539.528,905.646,99
Waste - Tons of Electronic Waste Thrown Out5.000.000753.425479.45268.493