CO2 Calculator
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QUESTION: what is “Carbon Footprint”?
ANSWER: generally expressed in tonnes of “CO2 equivalent”, the carbon footprint is a parameter that is used to estimate the greenhouse gas emissions produced by a company in order to manufacture a product or service or, more simply, to estimate the emissions produced by an individual required to carry out his or her usual daily activities.
According to the Kyoto Protocol*, the greenhouse gases to be taken into account in order to calculate the carbon footprint are: (i) carbon dioxide (CO2, from which, in fact, the name “carbon footprint” is derived), (ii) perfluorocarbons (PFCs), (iii) nitrogen monoxide (N2O), (iv) hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), (v) sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and, of course, (vi) methane (CH4). This parameter is used to determine the environmental impacts that emissions have on climate change, a change caused and accelerated mainly by human activities (so-called “anthropogenic” activities).
*International environmental treaty concerning global warming, known as the “Kyoto Protocol”, published on 11 December 1997 in Kyoto (Japan) at the “COP3” (the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) on climate change.
Why calculate our carbon footprint?

Basically the Carbon Footprint Calculator is a carbon footprint calculator, a useful tool that lets us know how much carbon dioxide we produce. The “Carbon Footprint”, then, is nothing more than the footprint that each of us, with our own lifestyles (eating habits, work patterns, sports, type of travel/movements we make, etc.) contribute to leaving on the planet in terms of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions produced.
Awareness of the carbon footprint that each of us produces every day (every week, month and year) has been growing more and more in recent times, particularly since we realised that our activities (and habits) also “heavily” affect Nature and, more generally, the environment that surrounds us and in which we all live. Man, in fact, needs what Nature provides to live. The need to calculate our carbon footprint arose to answer a precise question: how much of the natural resources are we using and, more importantly, how much of these natural resources do we still have at our disposal? Hence, the carbon footprint was born as a “unit of measurement of the natural resources that humanity is taking away from Nature”.
This valuable “calculator” is therefore useful to know how much mankind actually affects nature and the environment, to understand and identify which “areas” (or rather, “sectors”) need a reduction in consumption. This is a tool that helps us understand the importance of protecting and preserving the environment in which we all live and it teaches us how to use and conserve the remaining resources we need to live.
And now find out what your carbon footprint is…