What progress has the European Union made on the Goals (SDGs)?
Read moreAveraging the available data over the last five years, Europe has, albeit with difficulty, made good progress on most of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Of course, there is still much to be done, but progress on some goals has been much faster than on others; however, it is also true that in others there has even been an estrangement from the targets set.
It is very interesting to emphasise the assessment of SDG 7, a positive development made possible by a strong reduction in energy consumption in 2020 (reduction due to a restriction of public life and, consequently, also of economic activities in general caused by COVID-19).
Other important positive progress achieved by Europe for SDG 14 (related to life under water) and SDG 3 (related to health and well-being) should also be noted. On the other hand, progress on the other Goals has been slower and smaller. Indeed, with regard to SDG 2 (related to zero hunger), SDG 11 (related to more sustainable cities and communities), SDG 12 (related to more responsible consumption and production) and SDG 13 (related to climate action), the picture is more moderate and heterogeneous but still favourable towards positive progress.
The European Union’s progress for the remaining Goals (those taken into account by PlanetHealthCheck) has an overall “neutral” assessment; in particular, we are talking about SDGs 6, 15 and 17, i.e., those concerning, respectively: clean water and sanitation, life on earth and partnerships for the goals. For SDG 15 in particular: over the last five years, the indicator shows a “negative” trend, because ecosystems and biodiversity have basically remained “under pressure” due to anthropogenic activities (i.e. those caused by human activities).
To get a quick overview of the EU “progress” of the 10 Goals we have taken into consideration, click on the corresponding SDG of your interest here below and obtain the related information. Instead, in order to obtain the goals’ progress situation around the world and concerning all continents, click here.
Why should the SDGs be of interest to me?
Generally speaking, the themes of the 17 Goals not only concern aspects of our daily lives and those of our family and friends, but also the future (and thus, the health) of our Planet, the one in which we all live.
The indicators shown here are merely intended to help the user approach these particular topics more easily. The display of these information is immediate and intuitive.
If curiosity is one of your characteristics, this tool is made especially for you! PlanetHealthCheck has deliberately focused on only 10 of the 17 Goals, taking into particular consideration those that most closely affect the health of our Planet and, therefore, also our own. The data and information selected and displayed concern fundamental aspects of climate change that can influence and affect our health and lifestyles.
This digital tool sheds light on many little known or not yet fully understood aspects and allows us to explore past, current and future trends and situations quickly and easily!
So: what are you waiting for? Start browsing through the section (the goal) of your interest shown above!
PlanetHealthCheck supports the Sustainable Development Goals