Green web
Our green digital footprint
Did you know that every time we search in the web or, we send an e-mail or download a video or a song, we produce CO2 emissions? Several researches on environmental sustainability ( has revealed that a “typical” web-user uses the web for about 40 hours a week and, during a day, sends about 20 e-mails and watches at least two videos. This simple activity produces about 280 kilos of CO2 in a year but the amount of carbon dioxide emitted daily through web use is directly proportional to the amount of our need to use the web itself.
Every user, therefore, even if in a very small part, can contribute to air pollution, in fact, a lot of energy is needed to produce the data we create: consider that, in terms of CO2 emissions, the use of digital technologies in the recent past (2018) has even surpassed those of the aviation industry.
Reducing CO2 emissions is a mission and a commitment that involves everyone. The problem has to be tackled at the root and obviously Planet Health Check could neither ignore nor underestimate the issue of pollution caused by the use of the web, thus, using a green web hosting has been, for our Team, an obvious choice.
If you are a fan of a certain show or a specific playlist, next time, remember to download instead of streaming them; in the meantime, we invite you to browse our website to find out how your intervention on our social networks and your support are crucial to protect the health of our Planet and ensure a future for the new generations.
Digital’s footprint reduction tips
1. To reduce even few kilos of CO2 emissions and save energy bills, remember to keep all routers and peripherals switched off when not in use, especially at night.
2. When not using a computer, instead of leaving it in “stand-by” mode, save your documents and switch it off.
3. If you have to buy a new computer, tablet or mobile phone, ask the retailer to show the devices that consume less energy and, if necessary, buy a power supply that allows to save even more energy.
4. While using the computer, for desk or workstation, use an energy-saving lamp.
5. When possible, avoid printing text files and if you have to use the printer, set it to “economy mode” and print in “double-sided” mode for each sheet used.
6. If you have to buy a new computer, you should consider buying a “remanufactured” one (see, for example, the interesting initiative and proposal by
7. For a more informed purchase, use the web to identify portals that help make a purchase that is intelligent, economic and respectful of environmental sustainability.
8. If you have a website or blog, or if you have to create one from scratch, make it carbon neutral.