PILLs - Short scientific contents on Climate Change and it's effects
Read moreDebates on the effects of climate change, if not conducted by experts in the field, can give rise to misunderstandings, even very gross ones. But questions such as: what are the actual causes that are triggering climate change? How much is the human contribution to global warming? Most importantly, how much is climate change affecting our health? These and other questions deserve a precise and comprehensive answer.
Unlike researchers and scientists who “chew” on the subject every day, some particular scientific topics can be difficult for most of the public to understand. Knowing what triggers climate change and understanding its effects is becoming vitally important. These are just some of the considerations that have convinced us to propose these fundamental topics and issues in a clearer and simpler formula: topics of fundamental importance with simple and precise explanations and in a “short formula” (like “pills”) to be more easily and quickly understood by everyone.
Every single topic covered in each of our pills is easy to understand. In this section our readers will encounter short texts that use simple and user-friendly scientific terms, within the reach of a curious public and increasingly attentive and demanding, a public increasingly concerned about the future of the Planet and their own health.
This section aims at illustrating some of the elements surrounding Climate Change. Each “Pill” briefly describes a theme related to the mutation of Climate and thus to the consequences for humankind. These Pills are divided into 7 main topics which in turns contain several sub-themes to offer a complete panorama and a brief scientific explanation about the main theme treated.
Earth's Climate

The climate consists of statistics describing the weather conditions for a periodo f at least 30 years, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Therefore the Climate changes very slowly in respect to the “meteorological condition” which is in continuous evolution. For example: a sudden drop in temperature of 4-5°C, even in less than 24 hours, is a completely different situation from climate cooling of 4-5°C. In this last scenario, in fact, we would find ourselves in a situation very similar to that of a real ice age, where extended territories would be covered by very thick layers of ice.
Causes of Climate Change

The average of global temperature during the last 150 years has constantly increased. The causes among this phenomenon are represented by the use’s increase of fossil fuels and human activities (the so called “Anthropogenic Effect”, i.e.: the effects caused by human activities), but also natural causes such as solar activity and other factors which are here briefly exposed.

Water covers more than 70 percent of the surface of Earth and the oceans hold about 97 percent of all Earth’s water, and more than 80 percent of them remain unexplored. Thus the vast majority of water on our planet is saline water in the oceans, what’s more they play a fundamental role when it comes to climate in fact oceans absorb a great quantity of CO2 limiting the global warming.
Extreme Weather & Climate

Usually defined "extreme" all the weather and climate events which occur rarely and exceed certain limits. In any case an universal definition of such phenomenon does not exist. Researches and scientific studies indicate that extreme weather events due to human-induced climate change, such as for example, heat waves, atmospheric cyclones and large storms, have unfortunately the likely chance to become more and more intense and frequent.

The biosphere can be regarded as one large ecosystem which indeed is a complex community of living organisms and non-living things functioning as a single unit. Humans can be described as a “product of the biosphere”, we do not only live in the biosphere but we are absolutely dependent upon it like other creatures and organisms, for almost every aspect of our existence. This is why is so important to respect and preserve our environment.
Impacts of Climate Change on Humankind

Humans face new challenges never encountered before with Climate Change. Today the lives of almost 8 billion people (at the end of 2021) on the Planet are affected, directly or indirectly, by this phenomenon inducted by men (so called “Anthropogenic Effect”). Due to climate change usual weather patterns all around the world are changing and more intense storms and more frequent drought occur. In summer time heat waves are hitting more locations more frequently,, and the rise of sea levels poses a serious threat for many costal cities. Together with the melting of glaciers and the warming of oceans, all these events are directly harming our existence and the ecosystems where animals thrive. However global warming, does not produce the same consequences everywhere: different effects occur in different regions and, consequently, different are the effects on people and on their lives.