Questions & Answers
on the most important themes regarding Climate Change

What does it mean the climate is warming up?

Scientific evidences show that since 1900 the average air temperature on the earth's surface has increased by about 1 °C (1.8 °F) and over half of this increase occurred in less than 50 years (since the mid-1970s). Numerous studies and scientific observations supported by important documentation (such as, for example, the reduction in the extent of Arctic sea ice or the increase in heat content in the oceans) provided a set of indisputable evidence on global warming.

Are recent climate changes largely caused by human activities?

Yes, they are. The interconnections between human activities and climate change become every year more evident. Deforestation, emission of greenhouse gases are directly responsible for the rise of temperatures and Scientists are collecting more and more evidences with their studies and researches. Comparing the observations and results of scientific researches with basic physics models shows that climate change in recent decades has been, in part, caused by natural phenomena, but for the most part influenced by human activities.

Many might argue that CO2 (carbon dioxide) is already present is present in the atmosphere, so why emissions caused by human activity are so significant?

In order to obtain energy, mankind has begun to extract and burn fossil fuels, releasing huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere over the years disturbing the natural carbon cycle. This continuous and inexorable release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere due to human activities has contributed to the significant modification of the natural status quo and interfered with natural equilibriums.

Has the Sun played a role in influencing climate change?

Scientific observations through direct satellite measurements since the late 1970s showed no net increase in the Sun’s output and activity. The Sun of course provides the primary source of energy driving Earth’s climate system and assuring the existence of the entire ecosystem and of all life forms present on this planet, and the variations of its activities have played very little role on climate change. This is another evidence that changes occurring on the surface of Earth are caused by human activities.
fifth question

What exactly is climate change? Can natural variations be responsible for the changes?

Whereas weather refers to short-term changes in the atmosphere, climate describes what the weather is like over a long period of time in a specific area. Today climate is changing and this is due to an increase in temperatures. As a matter of fact Earth is warming at a faster pace than it has in the past according to the research of scientists. Human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century. The global climate changes continue rapidly compared to the pace of natural variations in climate that have occurred throughout Earth’s history, thus it is evident the impact of human activities on climate change.
sixt question

Climate is constantly changing, why has it become a concern today?

As a matter of fact climate changes are "disruptive" in character and past changes led to the extinction of many species and the migration of entire populations and to important variations of the Earth's surface. Today these changes are occurring faster compared to the past, thus climate change represents a serious threat for entire populations and species.
seventh question

How can rising temperatures be reduced?

Studies have shown that CO2 emissions have continued to increase especially during the last 60 years and this drastically contributed to the rise of temperatures. Because it is impossible to suddenly stop emissions and the magnitude depends primarily on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted globally, thus global climate is projected to continue to change over this century and beyond. With significant reductions in the emissions and with the transition towards a more green economy we can limit the increase in annual average global temperatures.
eight question

What is going to happen if more CO2 is added into the atmosphere?

More CO2 is added into the atmosphere the more it will cause an increase in temperature. The greenhouse effect would be exacerbated. A higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere would cause the Earth’s temperature continue to rise inexorably causing devastating damages.
nine question

How does the global warming rate vary?

The rate of global warming varies from year to year and decade to decade; obviously the rate of warming also varies from one place to another. Generally the short-term variations are due by natural causes while the long-term variations are mainly characterized by changes caused by the incessant human activities that affect the atmospheric levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

What are the most important consequences of climate warming?

Some of the most important consequences of climate warming are a change in the frequency, duration, and or magnitude of extreme weather events. Examples include extreme high temperatures events and heavy precipitations events, intense tropical cyclones, more frequent tornadoes associated with thunderstorms. These extreme events might cause floods and incalculable damages.

Why if Earth is getting warmer and warmer some winters and some summers are still very cold or do not appear to be extremely hot?

Because global warming is a long-term trend and not a sudden event changes are occurring slowly but inexorably. Daily, monthly, seasonal and annual changes in weather patterns will continue to produce some unusual cold days and nights in both winter and summer even as the climate is getting warm.

Why Arctic sea ice is decreasing more rapidly than Antarctic sea ice?

In general sea ice is affected by winds and ocean currents, as well as temperature. Sea ice in the partly-enclosed Arctic Ocean seems to be responding directly to warming by undergoing a more rapid melting while, as far as sea ice in the ocean around Antarctica is concerned, changes in the winds and ocean seem to dominate climate change patterns allowing the ice to resist melting or melting slower than the ice present on the other pole.

How fast is the sea level rising in consideration of global warming?

It is a matter of fact that the global sea level is rising due to the melting of the ice present at the poles and Satellite measurements have shown that the rise trend of global sea level is incessant. In the last decade the average estimate of the rise has reached 0.14 inches per year (about 3.6 mm per year, a number that is, however, “cautious” as the global average temperature rose slightly in the last years of the decade and 2022 was even considered the hottest year ever). Human-induced warming which causes the melting of ice at the poles and of glaciers is the main cause of the average global sea level rise. It has been estimated that the overall sea level rise since the beginning of the 20th century (1901) was about 16 cm (6 inches). If global warming and climate change are not tackled by the entire global community, numerous costal region will be severely affected by the rise of sea level.

What does "ocean's acidification" mean and why does it matter?

Researches and direct observations of ocean have shown that the chemical balance of seawater has changed and nowadays has shifted to a more acid state, is it to say seawater has reached lower pH levels. A higher acidity of the seawater makes survival more difficult for some marine organisms, primarily corals and small marine molluscs. In fact, their protective shells, mostly composed of calcium carbonate, dissolve more easily in liquids with high levels of acid.

How does climate change affect the frequency and strength of tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts and floods?

The continuous emissions of greenhouse gases caused by human activities are making the atmosphere warmer and moister. The violence of storms and meteorological events in general is closely related to the concentration of heat and humidity contained in the air masses: the higher this concentration the greater the level of energy released. Consequently greater is the violence of these meteorological events greater are the damages provoked. One of the consequences of these extreme events is more frequent floods. On the other hand, the rise in temperature is responsible for heat waves and extremely hot days are becoming not only more probable but also more frequent causing severe droughts where pre-condition are already affecting determined areas.

Are scientists confident that Earth will warm further in the next century?

Evidences emerged from numerous researches indicate that if the current trend in greenhouse gas emissions does not change, Earth will certainly undergo further warming causing unpredictable consequences to our mother Earth, and inflicting incalculable costs for the entire global economy. Very accurate mathematical models predict that, with the current trend, the warming could increase between 2.6 and 4.8 °C (from 4.7 to 8.6 °F) in addition to what already occurred in the 21st century. It is therefore of utmost necessity to act as quickly as possible as a global community to combat climate change and reduce emissions to zero as soon as possible with the help of new technologies.

Can, even very small temperature variations, be of concern for the climate?

Yes. Variations in temperature, even of very few degrees, can represent a serious threat to the entire planet and to all living beings. To give an example: in the last ice age the temperature was about 4 to 5 °C (7 to 9 °F) colder than today. Therefore, an increase of a few degrees in global average in temperature would lead to a widespread climate change characterized by extreme weather events and more frequent, abundant and violent precipitations associated with all consequences such as floods and rise in sea level. These and other changes will undoubtedly have serious impacts on the natural world and human society.

What is science doing to interpret the uncertainties of climate change?

Science consists of a constantly evolving process of observations: with the application of new technologies measurements become more precise and all evidences obtained by tests, models and more in deep analysis help in forecast and formulate predictions and to arrive at a logical explanation of a determined situation and hopefully to find a solution to help fighting global climate change. Long-term forecasts such as those that, for example, concern the phenomenon of global warming caused by the emission of greenhouse gases can be considered a "solid model", i.e. confirmed by an increasing and important number of tests. However, some aspects of climate change remain incomplete; climate variables are virtually infinite and this often render more complicated the work of scientists.

Is it possible to put in place common policies to meet ambitious climate targets for the benefit of the entire world population?

Our scientists' studies and researches have produced the best climate models in order to provide us the most credible results and forecasts. This can help in convincing our policy makers to formulate targeted policies to protect and preserve our environment and fight climate change limiting the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. However in order to achieve these goals and to evaluate the suitability and advisability of potential climate intervention actions require a decision framework that includes important dimensions beyond scientific and technical considerations. Some Instruments are already in place such as the Paris Convention and with the re-entry of the US hopefully more strong activities and initiatives shall be undertaken to tackle with climate change and the protection of our environment.

Would it be possible for the climate to return to the conditions of 200 years ago if greenhouse gas emissions were stopped today, thus helping to preserve our environment?

Unfortunately not. In fact Earth's surface temperature in order to cool down and return to the pre-industrial era values, would require thousands of years even if greenhouse gas emissions cease today. It is up to men to reduce emissions and act more responsibility taking the appropriate initiatives in order to mitigate the consequences of human activities on climate change and respect more our environment. Each of us can contribute adopting eco-friendly approaches to our daily life and some simple examples are listed in our Tips.

We only have one home. We would do well to look after it.

More awareness about the health of our planet is necessary to preserve our future generations