The Planet Health Check Manifesto

The ecological transaction can save the World and create new jobs, new opportunities that protect the weakest and accompany us all to a better future.

This must become the slogan, nay, the perfect flag for a party to save the world.

We defend the Planet with our choices. The real ‘engine’ that protects the Earth is the WILL TO DEFEND A COMMON HABITAT, WHICH BELONGS TO ALL. It is the collective, COMMUNITY identity that imposes itself on the “selfishness” of individuals. They are our choices, our behaviour that constitute the one and highest wall capable of stemming the pollution of the atmosphere, protecting the Earth and its climate and, consequently, our existence.

As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicated and “warned” in March 2023, the window for securing a liveable future for the Earth is closing. At this rate and in this direction, humanity is at risk of barring the way to prosperity, equality and stability.

It is also the duty of citizens and politicians to make governments and companies responsible in order that everything possible is done to reduce emissions and to secure the good of this generation and all those that will come after ours as soon as possible. Technological solutions alone will not be enough; a change in behaviour is therefore required and solutions must be fair or they will be useless.

poverty, inequality, emancipation, food, energy

In a broader vision of social and not just environmental renewal, scientists, climatologists and economists have come to the conclusion that five extraordinary reversals are indispensable, starting now:

1) transform the energy system and rapidly increase wind and solar energy, electrifying everything that can be electrified in all societies; simultaneously…

2) ..address and resolve our unsustainable relationship with nature, especially the one caused by our food system. In fact, about 80 per cent of traditional emission reductions are contingent on the transformation of the global food system, to which much of the deforestation and most of the emissions that cause temperatures to rise are unfortunately attributable;

3) enhancing women’s empowerment everywhere in the world. Gender equality is an indispensable ingredient for resilient, healthy and demographically balanced societies;

4) solving the fundamental problem of health and income inequalities between countries: about half of global carbon dioxide emissions are caused by the richest 10% of the population. The levels of inequality in society today can have a destabilising effect that can reduce trust in governments, inevitably contributing to increased social tensions;

5) a drastic change of course with regard to poverty is indispensable. We must accelerate economic development in low-income countries. This means reforming the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to reduce investment risks in these countries, with a focus on revolutionizing energy and food systems and finding a solution for debt.

We only have one home. We would do well to look after it.

More awareness about the health of our planet is necessary to preserve our future generations