International Events
Read moreInternational events are a very important opportunity to inform the public about themes and issues of particular relevance (like those related to climate change) helpful and necessary to try to mobilise those forces, especially political forces, to use all the resources at their disposal to solve problems of global importance.
International events are therefore a powerful communication tool that enables the promotion of an idea capable of transforming concepts and values into a concrete experience; they are a “lever” capable of creating or adding to and enhancing the cultural, historical and social resources of people and their territories and customs, an opportunity to attract major investments and accelerate processes of change, when necessary.
With this in mind, the United Nations and specialised agencies such as FAO, UNICEF or UNESCO are mobilising to organise and promote such events. The following is a list of international events related to climate change issues, including dates, venues and useful links both to obtain further information and to register for the event(s) in question should you be interested in participating. This list is constantly updated once a month and contains all the events planned for the current year.