(Palazzolo sull’Oglio)

logo istituto tecnico palazzolo
To base the educational action of the Technical Institute on a “multi-purpose culture” that responds to the needs of integration into the world of work or facilitates the continuation of studies.
It promotes learning and the quality of training processes by enhancing human resources and encouraging participation and collaboration between the components of the school institution with all the social, cultural, professional and economic players in the area. It disseminates technical and scientific culture for the development of the territory, the economy and all active employment policies.
A company that produces and offers goods and/or services for the benefit of the environment.

Education is the tool that fuels progress and transforms societies; investing in education means investing in the future: the ‘G. Falcone’ Technical Institute is aimed at those individuals who are more aware, sociable and capable of facing the challenges of the contemporary world.

Field of application:

The activities of our Technical Institute comprise Technical Institute, Vocational Institute and Vocational Education and Training courses. Active, in the evening hours, are adult education courses for the area of Commercial Services and Health and Social Work Services.

Products and/or services:

The institute’s educational offer is structured as follows:

  • TECHNICAL EDUCATION (Tourism; Graphics and Communication; Administration, Finance and Marketing in the “International Relations for Marketing” articulation).
  • PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Commercial services; Health and social work services)
  • PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (Hypermedia Graphics Operator and Graphics Technician; Promotion and Reception Services Operator and Promotion and Reception Services Technician).
Awards & Recognitions:

In the SOCIAL sphere:

  • Institute project, in the legal field, called: “Legal Awareness Days” (May 2024)


  • Institute project, in the educational field (Civic Education) and on an experimental basis: “Teaching the effects on climate change”, with a multimedia platform com (academic year 2024-25)
Management group:

Engineer Mr. Lazzaroni Alberto – DS (Headmaster)

Responsible for managing the Institute’s financial and instrumental resources and results. It promotes learning and the quality of training processes by enhancing human resources (teachers and students). It encourages participation and collaboration between the components of the school institution with all the social, cultural, professional and economic players in the area. Today there is an active collaboration with Planet Health Check in the teaching project (adopted in the Civic Education classes) on teaching about the effects caused by climate change.

Collaborators in the sustainability/environmental teaching project – Planet Health Check: Professor Bueti Francesca (Institute PCTO project manager) and Professor Badalini Laura (Institute Civic Education contact person).

Via Levadello, 24/26 - PALAZZOLO SULL'OGLIO (BS) – ITALY

We only have one home. We would do well to look after it.

More awareness about the health of our planet is necessary to preserve our future generations