Clothing & Other Products


World data update performed 8 times per day

Sub-CategoryIn 2025This monthThis weekToday
Car Produced6.707.648,401.017.237,44650.114,1699.429,22
Tons of Cotton Produced2.663.036,53403.858,45258.105,0239.474,89
Tons of Organic Cotton Produced18.120,662.748,061.756,28268,61
Tons of Paper Produced42.047.9456.376.7124.075.342623.288
Tons of Water Used in Cotton Production25.829.452.0553.917.123.2882.503.424.658382.876.712
US Dollars Spent on Cotton Pesticides330.376.712,3350.102.739,7332.020.547,954.897.260,27

We only have one home. We would do well to look after it.

More awareness about the health of our planet is necessary to preserve our future generations