World data update performed 8 times per day
Sub-Category | In 2025 | This month | This week | Today |
Deaths from Air Pollution | 890.000 | 134.110 | 85.342 | 12.192 |
Deaths from Indoor Air Pollution | 380.000 | 57.260 | 36.438 | 5.205 |
Liters of Air That You Have Inhaled | 401.500,0 | 60.500,0 | 38.500,0 | 5.500,0 |
Time Left to Recovery of Ozone Hole | - | - | - | 45y 39d 11h 23m 8s |
Years of Healthy Life Lost from Air Pollution | 10.000.000 | 1.506.849 | 547.945 | 136.986 |
Tons of CO2 Emitted Into the Atmosphere | 4.310.000.000 | 649.452.055 | 413.287.671 | 59.041.096 |
World Average Temperature (°C) | 0,0035342020 | 0,0005325510 | 0,0003388961 | 0,0000484137 |
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Toxic Exposure