

World data update performed 8 times per day

Sub-CategoryIn 2025This monthThis weekToday
Energy Used from Mining (gigajoules worldwide)5.811.582.994881.346.110563.266.31186.146.612
Tons of Coal Mined773.882.420117.361.87275.005.70811.471.461
Tons of Gold Mined315,3595947,8253430,565074,67466
Tons of Resources Extracted from Earth6.116.974.886927.659.817592.865.29790.673.516
Tons of Steel Produced180.205.47927.328.76717.465.7532.671.233
Tons of Steel Recycled108.623.85816.473.17410.527.9681.610.160
Tons of Toxic Waste Produced from Gold Mining875.998.858132.848.17484.902.96812.985.160
Tons of Wastewater from Steel Mining14.516.552.5112.201.484.0181.406.963.470215.182.648

We only have one home. We would do well to look after it.

More awareness about the health of our planet is necessary to preserve our future generations