Use of Chemicals

(Toxic Exposure)

World data update performed 8 times per day

Sub-CategoryIn 2025This monthThis weekToday
Tons of Bisphenol A Produced 670.764,84101.723,7465.011,429.942,92
Tons of Pesticide Used412.700,5862.587,4339.999,496.117,57
Tons of Phthalates Produced588.671,2389.273,9757.054,798.726,03
Tons of Antibiotics Used for Livestock16.018,2652.429,2241.552,511237,443
Tons of Toxic Chemical Released Into the Environment980.310148.66795.01314.531

We only have one home. We would do well to look after it.

More awareness about the health of our planet is necessary to preserve our future generations