Use of Chemicals
(Toxic Exposure)
World data update performed 8 times per day
Sub-Category | In 2025 | This month | This week | Today |
Tons of Bisphenol A Produced | 670.764,84 | 101.723,74 | 65.011,42 | 9.942,92 |
Tons of Pesticide Used | 412.700,58 | 62.587,43 | 39.999,49 | 6.117,57 |
Tons of Phthalates Produced | 588.671,23 | 89.273,97 | 57.054,79 | 8.726,03 |
Tons of Antibiotics Used for Livestock | 16.018,265 | 2.429,224 | 1.552,511 | 237,443 |
Tons of Toxic Chemical Released Into the Environment | 980.310 | 148.667 | 95.013 | 14.531 |
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Toxic Exposure