Food & Beverage


World data update performed 8 times per day

Sub-CategoryIn 2025This monthThis weekToday
Tons of Chocolate Eaten530.60580.46851.4277.865
Tons of Food Lost or Wasted130.148.40219.737.44312.614.1551.929.224
Tons of Meat Eaten35.039.9545.313.9273.396.119519.406
Tons of Water Used in Meat Production230.262.557.07834.920.091.32422.317.351.5983.413.242.009
US Dollars Spent on Organic Products9.510.844.7491.442.351.598921.803.653140.981.735
Tons of 'Virtual' Water Traded162.685.502.28324.671.803.65315.767.694.0642.411.529.680
Tons of Fresh Water Used426.486.301.37064.678.082.19241.335.616.4386.321.917.808
Tons of Water Used for Our Consumption909.737.328.767137.964.726.02788.172.945.20513.485.273.973
Time Left to the End of Seafood (if current trends continue)---23y 39d 10h 21m 23s
Number of Obese People in the World3.360.975509.703141.80049.821
Number of People who Died of Hunger901.027136.64487.32913.356
Earth Running Out of Food (if current trends continue)---25y 39d 10h 21m 23s

We only have one home. We would do well to look after it.

More awareness about the health of our planet is necessary to preserve our future generations