World Energy Conservation Day
14th December
World Energy Conservation Day is celebrated on the 14th December globally to highlight the importance of energy consumption and of its scarcity, as well as of its impact on the sustainability of global ecosystems. The production of energy includes the use of resources which in some cases are limited and harming our environment, thus it is necessary to promote a rational use of fossil fuels in the global economy while accelerating the process of transformation to safer and accessible renewable energy sources.
It is necessary to raise awareness on positive and sustainable practices which contribute in energy saving: an example would be turning off lights and unplugging devices when you’re not using them, another way is to increase efficiency. Swapping out incandescent light bulbs with LED or CFL alternatives, purchasing high efficiency appliances, and improving insulation are ways to increase efficiency and therefore conserve energy.
Building a sustainable society and a green future for generation to come it is a priority which should be embraced by all, not only international organizations but also private citizen because all of us have a role to play to protect our planet.
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